"STEM Sista has taught me so much and given me so many invaluable skills"

- Grace N, STEM Sista attendee and ambassador

Student Success Stories

Here are just some of the success stories from our past programs attendees.

Summer, 19

South Australia


STEM Sista

What I learnt from the course:

I developed some really useful time/goal management skills, as well as building my networking abilities. Communicating in a professional setting was something I had never encountered in high school, but I found it really useful as I entered a workforce and in various other parts of my life.

What I've achieved since the course:

I'm now in my second year of Engineering at university, and am also currently teaching Engineering Design to first year students. I have worked within an Engineering firm using CAD (which I looooove) and am currently exploring the idea of an internship overseas. I also went on to compete in Lego Masters with my best friend Iona.

The group of girls I went through STEM Sista with very quickly became friends over the course through a shared love of muffins. One day of the STEM Sista course when we stopped to have a food break, a debate popped up about what the plural of muffin was and to this day a group chat affectionately named "Muffi" exists!

Celeste, 20

South Australia


STEM Sista

What I learnt from the course:

A huge degree of self-confidence and belief in my own abilities, as well as techniques to assist with public speaking, budgeting, interviewing for positions, minimising stress through time management and organisation, as well as some incredible general life skills and lessons.

What I've achieved since the course:

  • Offered various management positions within dental field across multiple locations within the first year of work.
  • Purchased first house with partner (at 19 years old), and half-way to a second home purchase in as many years.
  • Currently in a dual-role job for a prestigious organisation.
  • Become a STEM Sista mentor and assisted with teaching multiple modules nationally.
  • Spoken at the Defence Force Summit in Canberra as a live STEM Sista testimonial.

Sarah, 17

South Australia


STEM Sista

What I learnt from the course:

For most of my schooling I thought STEM only meant people in labs and the likes of mathematicians and engineers. But through STEM Sista, my eyes were opened to the opportunities in all different fields, including my passion for health and medicine. The modules that have helped me the most since the course would have to be budgeting, time management and problem solving, though lately I have found myself expanding that to accommodate for changes in my life through the use of other modules such as the stretch zone.

What I've achieved since the course:

Since participating in STEM Sista I've further reinstated my passion for STEM and where I can fit into it. This year I began year 12, including University Extension Studies, hopefully setting me on my way for tertiary studies and all the future has to offer.

My goal is to become a Medic in the Australian Army as I believe the combination of helping people, giving back and the challenge of the role and the opportunity to always keep learning and advancing will be my perfect job.

Ola, 16

Poland, Cracov, Małopolska


STEM Sista

What I learnt from the course:

From the course I have learnt how to expand on my visions and make them a reality. I also learnt about time management and what to focus on on a daily basis to make life easier. 

What I've achieved since the course:

  • Presented a series of presentations in her school
  • Recorded 3 new studio songs
  • Stepped out of my comfort zone and have tried many new things, such as rock climbing, regular exercising at the gym, and learning a new instrument
  • In the progress of writing a screenplay inspired by STEM Sista. 
I love music and am a singer and writer. I also love psychology, reading and helping others, but I didn't have an exact plan for my life until I completed STEM Sista course.

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